Some of the most Christmas is the Christmas buck and liquorice confectionery. Liquorice confectionwas produced by English Bassett as far back as 1899. According to Bassett, the story of the liquorice confectionery is that back in 1899, one of their salesmen, a Charlie Thompson, lost a large tray of candy samples in front of a customer, and thus mixed all their candy together by accident. The customer, who or probably had been very much to buy, was fascinated by the nice mix, and immediately ordered a mixture. Bassets immediately began to mass produce the mixture that became very popular. To this day, the liquorice confection is iconic and a safe hit in the Danish Christmas candy bowls. A Christmas buck is (now a day) a buck made of strawthat is tied together withred cords. In the past, the concept was mainly used for a person dressed as a buck, who along with others went from house to house during the Christmas season with the aim of getting food and drink. The Christmas buck is known almost only in the Nordic region. Its origins are unknown, but the customs is very old, and the Christmas buck is thus one of the oldest Nordic Christmas symbols. One commandment for the origin of the Christmas buck is that it is a relic of an ancient Viking custom with in the month of Christmas to sacrifice a buck, as a symbol of the buck of thunder Tor, to have a good year; others believe that the Christmas buck may have emerged from medieval ecclesiastical Christmas games, which often included a horned devil from which certain parallels can be drawn to the Christmas buck. But here they are so mixing together, the old beloved Christmas traditions. And as you can see, my Christmas bucks have fallen in love with Twiggy. They are not to tear away ;0)
Posted on 28. November 2019
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